ECCE 2022 Program & Invited Speakers

ECCE will be held in Kaiserslautern, Germany, from October 4 to 7, 2022. Ranked around its special theme "Evaluating the Reality–Virtuality Continuum", its preliminary schedule and list of keynote speakers look like as follows.

Keynote Speakers

Patrick Baudisch is a professor in Computer Science at Hasso Plattner Institute at Potsdam University and chair of the Human Computer Interaction Lab. After working on mobile devices, touch input, and natural user interfaces for several years, his current research focuses on personal fabrication and haptics. Previously, Patrick Baudisch worked at Microsoft Research and at Xerox PARC. He was inducted into the CHI Academy in 2013 and has been an ACM distinguished scientist since 2014.

Keynote: About 1, 10, and 100 person year research projects

Alan Dix is a Professorial Fellow at Cardiff Metropolitan University and also Director of the Computational Foundry; a £32.5M project of Swansea University, Welsh Government, and the European Commission to promote ground-breaking digital research with a real impact on society. He is known principally for his work in human–computer interaction including writing one of the key textbooks in the area. He was elected to the ACM SIGCHI Academy in 2013 and is a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales. Outside academia, Alan has been co-founder of two tech companies, developed intelligent lighting, worked in local government and even submarine design.

Keynote: Forever Cyborgs – A long view on physical-digital interaction
From prehistory to the internet age, humans have always lived as part of a technologically mediated world. Knapped flints have given way to touch-screens, cuneiform to CSS, but in both rapid hand-eye coordination and long-term social interactions, our experiences and actions in the world are embedded in a physical, mechanical, symbolic and digital nexus. After far too long in the writing, my co-authors and I are delighted that “TouchIT: Understanding Design in a Physical-Digital World” is finally published – symbolic words, recorded in digital media and printed on physical paper. This book covers established and emergent digital technology, but repeatedly the continuity of current and past technology, physical and digital worlds is evident. The fundamental cognitive resources that enable our digital existence in an age of constant flux are the result of aeons of development in a physical world that we remake and reimagine. In this talk I will explore multiple scales of digital interaction from seconds to years, informed by and illuminating what it means to be a fully embodied and richly reflective human.

Kristina Höök is a professor in Interaction Design at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. She also used to be the director of the Mobile Life centre. Her research interests include affective interaction, somaesthetic design, internet of things and anything that makes life with technology more meaningful, enjoyable, creative and aesthetically appealing. She ist the author of the book "Designing with the Body: Somaesthetic Interaction Design" (MIT Press, 2018). She was inducted into the CHI Academy in 2020 and has been an ACM distinguished scientist since 2014.

Keynote: Soma Design – Intertwining aesthetics, movement and emotion in design work
We are at a watershed moment: our relationship to technology is about to undergo a dramatic and irreversible shift. With the rise of ubiquitous technology, data-driven design, and the Internet of Things, our interactions and our interfaces with technology will look radically different in the years ahead, incorporating changes like full body interaction, shape-changing interfaces, wearables, and body- and movement-tracking apps. Kristina will discuss how we approach this challenge through Soma Design — a process that allows designers to examine and improve on connections between sensation, feeling, emotion, subjective understanding and values — and their relationships to technology. She will argue that by engaging in a soma design process we can better probe which designs lead to: deepened somatic awareness; social awareness of others in the environment and how they are affected by the human-technology assemblage; enactments of bodily freedoms rather than limitations; making norms explicit; engage with a pluralist feminist position on who we are designing for; aesthetic experience and expression; and, ultimately an aesthetic and ethical position on how to design for being human.

Sebastian Pannasch directs the chair for Engineering Psychology and Applied Cognitive Research at the Faculty of Psychology at TU Dresden. His research focuses on the understanding of perception, attention and information processing in the context of active vision, principally via analysis of eye movement behavior. His previous professional positions include Assistant Professorships and Fellowships at Aalto School of Science and Technology (Finland), University of California at Santa Cruz (USA), and Bauhaus Universität Weimar (Germany). He was awarded a Marie-Curie Fellowship “EyeLevel” and the DFG Research scholarship on “Levels of cognitive organization in human eye movements”.

Keynote: From basic mechanisms of human eye movements to autonomous driving
Sebastian's presentation will consist of three parts. In the first part, he will focus on human eye movements which are essential for visual perception. During fixations, information is extracted from the environment and internally processed. Since highest visual acuity is limited to the small foveal region, fast saccadic movements are required to redirect the foveal region from one fixation point to another. Analyzing fixation durations and saccade amplitudes during everyday activities allows understanding what details of the environment receive attention. With a combined analysis of fixations and saccades it can be determined how such details were processed. In the second part, Sebastian will show how knowledge about the mechanisms of eye movement control can be related to various areas of application. Since these findings are still very much based to research in the lab, the final part will be about their recent research efforts in relation to the perspectives of autonomous driving.

Industrial Talk by Peter Klein (UID)

Peter Klein holds a degree in computer science and a doctorate in information science, specializing in information design and visualization. As the responsible head of UID's Research & Innovation department, he takes care of the targeted pick-up of disruptive technologies and their creative transfer into user-centered product and process design. He also realizes this long-standing interest in commissioned and funded research projects, regular publications in the design and research community, and in the supervision of courses and theses.

Topic: Digital Ethics – don’t let the world be doomed by design
Digital products, services and digital transformation processes offer enormous potential and economies of scale in many areas. At the same time, the impact of these developments grows beyond the actual user/usage and influences organizations, societies and entire ecosystems. Current examples of such Digital Services show that requirements management, risk management and technology impact assessments face major challenges and often fail. In addition to these more technical factors, decision-makers and developers are increasingly asking how to arrive at decisions that are consistently aligned with (their own) value systems. Digital ethics (still) play a subordinate role in design. The lecture addresses the (non) influence of ethics in the design of digital products and services and offers food for thought in the systematic integration into own development processes.

Please note, that this talk on Tuesday is open to all ECCE attendees and not exclusive to DC students!

Preliminary Program

Tuesday, Oct 4, 2022

09:00   Doctoral Consortium (closed meeting)
10:30   Coffee Break
11:00   Doctoral Consortium (closed meeting)
12:30   Lunch Break
14:00   Doctoral Consortium (closed meeting)
15:30   Coffee Break
16:00   Industrial Talk by Peter Klein
17:00   End of Doctoral Consortium
19:00   Doctoral Consortium Dinner

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2022

09:00   Welcome & Opening Keynote by Kristina Höök
10:10   Coffee Break
10:30   Session 1
12:30   Lunch Break
13:30   Session 2
15:30   Coffee Break
16:00   Session 3
17:00   End of Day 1
17:00   EACE Annual Meeting
19:00   Conference Dinner

Thursday, Oct 6, 2022

09:00   Keynote by Sebastian Pannasch
10:00   Coffee Break | DC Poster Break
10:30   Session 4
12:30   Lunch Break
13:30   Session 5
15:30   Coffee Break | DC Poster Break
16:00   Session 6
17:30   End of Day 2
19:00   Get Together

Friday, Oct 7, 2022

09:00   Keynote by Alan Dix
10:00   Coffee Break
10:30   Session 7
11:30   Closing Keynote by Patrick Baudisch
12:30   ECCE 2023 Announcement and Farewell
13:00   Lunch Break
14:00   End of the ECCE 2022 Conference
15:00   Demo Session at Fraunhofer ITWM / University of Kaiserslautern

Full Conference Schedule

The full conference schedule is now available for download as PDF:
ECCE Conference Schedule (final, Sept 30, 2022)

Demo Session at Fraunhofer ITWM (Friday, Oct 7)

Participants will visit the Fraunhofer ITWM's RObot based Driving and Operation Simulator (RODOS®) and virtual reality lab. They will be able to experience virtual environments that were created based on measurements by the Fraunhofer ITWM's 3D laser scanner vehicle REDAR (Road and Environment Data Acquisition Rover). Additionally, they will be able to act in virtual reality within an assembly simulation using IPS Cable Simulation.

Conference Chairs

General Chairs Achim Ebert, TU Kaiserslautern
Thomas Lachmann, TU Kaiserslautern
Contact: ecce2022-gc <at>
Program Chairs Klaus Dreßler, Fraunhofer ITWM
Jessica Lindblom, Uppsala University
René Reinhard, Fraunhofer ITWM
Contact: ecce2022-pc <at>
Workshop Chair Anke Dittmar, University of Rostock
Contact: ecce2022-ws <at>
Doctoral Consortium Chairs Gerrit van der Veer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Kerstin Müller, University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld
Contact: ecce2022-dc <at>
Industry Relations Chair Gerhard (Gerd) Pews, Capgemini
Contact: ecce2022-ic <at>

All rights of ownership and copyrights of the above photos are reserved by the City of Kaiserslautern, Pfalz.Touristik e.V., Dominik Ketz (photographer), and/or Hotel Barbarossahof Kaiserslautern. ECCE 2022 logo by Christoph Garth.

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